"Searching for the American Spirit" Webinar by Luigi Morelli
to Apr 7

"Searching for the American Spirit" Webinar by Luigi Morelli

This 12-session webinar by Luigi Morelli will be held on Sunday mornings 11:00 am EST (9:00 am MT) from January 14 to April 7, 2024.

This webinar will cover 3500 years of history, starting from the Americas and converging toward the US. It will bring together history and spirituality to recognize among other things:

·       the particular spirituality that finds its home in the US and in the West

·       what part of the legacy of spiritual science it mostly expresses; what are its particular “tone” or ”color” so to speak

·       what progressive contributions it can bring to the Michaelic impulse

It is the result of 20 years of research and many of the findings are available to the public at https://millenniumculmination.net/spiritual-impulses.html

For more info contact Luigi Morelli at luigirenato@pm.me or visit www.millenniumculmination.net

“Searching for the American Spirit” Webinar

The webinar will be a way to connect to the American folk soul through history and the spirituality that has unfolded throughout three millennia. It will aim at addressing the following questions:

- How does America’s mission fit within the Michaelic Age?
- What does it have to contribute to it?
- How can it be understood in the light of spiritual science?

The Methodology

A symptomatic approach to history and its boundaries and differences with conventional historical research
The imaginative language of myths and legends
The imaginative language of biographies

The Format

Subject to slight changes, this will be the basic session’s format:

- 12 2-hour sessions

- 2 Mini-presentations (30 to 40 minutes) per session followed by questions to clarify and expand

- 15 minutes Open conversation

- 5 minutes Announcements and networking on webinar related themes (participants can announce what they have worked/are working on)

Material Covered

This is a general list of the themes, though there may be variations:

- The Third Age of the Shamans in North and South America
- The Turning Point of Time: Vitzliputzli, the initiate of the Americas at the time of the Mystery of Golgotha

o Legends of North and South America
o How did this event color the American Christ impulse

- The Fourth Age in North and South America: Maya and Tiwanaku (Andes) cultures

- The Fifth Age (Consciousness Soul) in North and South America: decadent and progressive impulses

o Aztec
o Haudenosaunee
o Incas
o The Virgin of Guadalupe

- In-depth look at the Haudenosaunee and their cultural revolution

o How does it reverberate into the present

- The American Revolution and Constitutional Convention:
Freemasonry, B. Franklin, G. Washington, …
- Birth of Twelve Steps as an Emblematic Spiritual Fellowship: the individual (12 Step)
the group (12 Traditions) the Fellowship (12 concepts); the rebirth of Freemasonry
- Lincoln and the Civil War; MLK and Civil Rights
- Edgar Cayce’s spiritual impulse
- American experiential spirituality and “social technology”

o American spirituality in the context of Spiritual Science

- America’s Mission in relation to the people of the Consciousness Soul
- America’s Folk Soul and guiding spirit through the imaginative language of the Wonderful Wizard of Oz and the High Tor legend.

Logistics and Registration

The 12 sessions will be held on Sunday mornings 11:00 am EST (9:00 am MT) from January 14th to April 7th.

The first session is free for those who are still unsure. The whole cycle fee amounts to $ 250.00 payable via Paypal to luigirenato@pm.me, or through personal check to Luigi Morelli.

You’ll find readings and recordings at www.millenniumculmination.net and others will be made available to participants during the webinar.

For more info contact Luigi Morelli at luigirenato@pm.me

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Weekly Study Group via Zoom
to Dec 18

Weekly Study Group via Zoom

Our ongoing weekly study group resumes on Wednesday, August 2, 2023. We meet via Zoom each Wednesday from 7:00-8:30pm.

Newcomers are always welcome to join us at any time during the course of our study.

Current study: Spiritual Science as a Foundation for Social Forms - lecture series by Rudolf Steiner. (CW 199).
This particular course of study may be completed in Spring 2024. A new course of study will resume afterwards. Those on the Weekly Study Group email list will be notified of the details for the new course of study.

The Weekly Study Group chooses a new course of study after completing their current study. You can inquire about the current study or ask to be placed on the Weekly Study Group’s email list by using the Contact Form link below.

For details about the Weekly Study Group’s format and study material documents, please read this Blog Post.

Please use our Contact Form to request the Weekly Study Group Zoom link.

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Whitsun Festival
4:00 PM16:00

Whitsun Festival

A Whitsun Festival of United Soul Endeavor & Spirit Community

with the Eastern, Central and Western Regional Councils

of the Anthroposophical Society in America

Sunday 29 May 2022

3 – 4:30 pm PT, 4-5:30 MT, 5-6:30 pm CT, 6-7:30 pm ET


We will be working with Rudolf Steiner’s THE FIFTH GOSPEL

GA 148, Lecture II, 2 October 1913, Oslo

The Whitsun Festival highlights one of the greatest challenges of being human: placing our individual gifts, our individual “I”, in right relationship within the social realm. This challenge is strongly felt during this time of the consciousness soul age. Our groups striving to know Spiritual Science must work together as a community, to have the possibility to create this type of culture, and the opportunity is here for each of us to meet, human to human, where a sacrament is possible in every encounter. Our individual strength comes from our personal development and is enhanced by weaving our gifts together with others, knitting our social world in conscious community.

For more info. contact Hazel@ReverseRitual.com


Topic: All Regions Whitsun

Time: May 29, 2022 04:00 PM Mountain Daylight Time (US and Canada)

 Check the event time in your area. Time and Date - Time Zone Converter

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 705 017 4041

Passcode: Whitsun


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Meeting ID: 705 017 4041

Passcode: 4280663

Find your local number: https://us06web.zoom.us/u/kcvZnmo0Bt

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10:30 AM10:30

Easter Act of Consecration of Man

  • 26 Puesta Del Sol Santa Fe, NM, 87508 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Act of Consecration of Man

Rev. Majoros will celebrate an Easter Act of Consecration of Man with our community on Thursday morning, April 21 at 10:30am.

The Act of Consecration of Man will take place in the 7th and 8th grade classrooms of the Santa Fe Waldorf School, 26 Puesta del Sol, Santa Fe, NM.

It is with immense gratitude that we welcome Lisa's efforts to travel so far during Easter week. She very much wants to join us and will be bringing many Christian Community books from the Denver bookstore.

There were more activities planned, but our energy to create a children's service, potluck and brunch appear small, so we shall save those for a later date, unless someone wants to lead one of these.

Blessings and we look forward to this joyous celebration of Christ's Life and Love together.

Sally Rutledge, for the Sophia Core Group


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7:00 PM19:00

Christian Community Talk

“Our Heart's Rejoicing Pulse of Life”

Rev. Lisa Majoros, our Christian Community priest in Denver, will join us Wednesday evening, April 20, at 7pm to give a talk titled "Our Heart's Rejoicing Pulse of Life."

The Talk will take place in the 7th and 8th grade classrooms of the Santa Fe Waldorf School, 26 Puesta del Sol, Santa Fe, NM.

Find out more about The Christian Community in New Mexico.

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to Apr 10

Weekend Webinar presented by the Association for Anthroposophic Psychology

Webinar | Soul Matters: the Journey So Far

April 8, 9, 10 (2022)
Daily:  10:30 AM - 12:30 PM and 2:30 PM - 4:30 PM Eastern
Lecturers:  James A. Dyson, MD and Simon Kuttner, PhD,
with AAP Faculty offering embodying exercises

Here is a handy link to convert your time zone:  https://dateful.com/time-zone-converter

The sessions will be recorded, so please be sure to register to receive the recording links.

Will you be attending?  Please register at:



SOUL MATTERS: The Journey So Far

How does the Being of Psycho-Sophia gradually incarnate alongside Anthropo-Sophia?   And how does this incarnation reveal the winding path back to the Spirit from brain-bound materialism?

Contemplating Psychology’s evolution in the Light of Spiritual Science imbues psychological theories with the Life of Spiritual Science by discovering the many anthroposophic treasures hidden within them.  Conversely, we can enliven our understanding of Spiritual Science through the lens of these theories, ground-breaking in their time.

A journey through humanity’s exploration into soul development aids us in awakening to our own soul forces, conflicts, vulnerabilities, and blind spots:  our own will-activating insights thereby contributing to the development – right now! - of the new art form of Relationality. 

We invite you to join us as we track the birth of Psycho-Sophia, from Body, through Soul, into Spirit, and her inspirited dance with Anthropo-Sophia! 

NOTE: This is a bonus webinar to those who have already been accepted into the 3-Year Certificate Program beginning August 2022.

Fee: $150 USD. If, after attending this 3-day webinar you register for AAP's 3-Year Certificate Program in Anthroposophic Psychology starting August 3, 2022, your $150 fee will be deducted from the 3-Year Program tuition amount.

For more information about the 3-Year Program, please visit: 3-Year Certificate Program 2022-2024

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A Holy Night Gathering - via Zoom
7:00 PM19:00

A Holy Night Gathering - via Zoom

Our Holy Night Gathering

The Revelation of the Cosmic Christ

by Rudolf Steiner

A lecture given in Basel, December 26, 1921

The lecture can be read, downloaded and/or printed from Rudolf Steiner Archive & e.Lib.

We will read this lecture before we meet online to discuss it. When we gather together, we will read three or four parts of the lecture and have a conversation. Please join us:

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Time: 7:00 - 8:15pm Mountain Time

Contact us for Zoom link or dial in numbers.


“Behold the Sun
At the midnight hour;
Build with stones in the lifeless ground,
Thus in decay and in the night of Death
Find the Creation's new beginning,
Young morning's strength;
Glory in the heights the eternal Word of Gods;
Shelter in the depths the Powers of Peace.
In darkness dwelling, create a Sun.
In matter weaving, know the joy of Spirit!”

~ Rudolf Steiner

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10:00 AM10:00

The Act of Consecration of Man

The Act of Consecration of Man is the centerpiece of the Christian Community's sacramental life.

The Act of Consecration of Man implies that the ultimate goal of our lives is to become a true human being. Christ, who himself became a human being, enlivens our true humanity. He gives his healing, transforming power to those who seek him, who recognize him and who follow him.

The Act of Consecration of Man renews the archetypal form of early Christian worship. It consists of four steps that reveal in visible form what happens as an invisible process in the spirit:

Gospel reading—hearing the good news from the realm of the angels
Offertory—offering ourselves in response
Transubstantiation—the transformation of what is offered
Communion—receiving renewal in spiritual-physical form.

This underlying structure is the human path, the way toward Christ. During The Act of Consecration of Man, we turn toward and unite with the divine beings of the spiritual world in prayer and concentration.

The Christian Community recognizes the Christian way is a path of freedom. Fostering freeness and responsibility in the individual is seen as crucial in approaching a relationship with Christ Jesus’ deed and message.

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7:00 PM19:00

Talk by Rev. Jim Hindes: "Renewing Christianity"

The weekend of November 4-6, Rev. Jim Hindes and Rev. Lisa Majoros will visit our community, and we will be able to welcome our new priest, Lisa; and share in gratitude to Jim, for all he has given.

Location: Home of Sally Rutledge – 70 Chughole Lane, Peralta, NM 87042 [Map}

It would be nice to know who plans on coming, so adequate space can be made. 1- (505) 883-4815

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